Oh dear Court. All of us of that certain age could relate to your experience. It is the way of things that makes us feel inadequate to navigate the many systems we must deal with. I have no shame in how I handle some situations. I start by telling the voice at the end of the line to think of me as their grandmother and treat me as such. …
Oh dear Court. All of us of that certain age could relate to your experience. It is the way of things that makes us feel inadequate to navigate the many systems we must deal with. I have no shame in how I handle some situations. I start by telling the voice at the end of the line to think of me as their grandmother and treat me as such. Sometimes this helps and sometimes not so much. I tell them to go slow and speak distinctly.
Oh dear Court. All of us of that certain age could relate to your experience. It is the way of things that makes us feel inadequate to navigate the many systems we must deal with. I have no shame in how I handle some situations. I start by telling the voice at the end of the line to think of me as their grandmother and treat me as such. Sometimes this helps and sometimes not so much. I tell them to go slow and speak distinctly.
I love that picture of you and Ron.
What a good strategy, Pammy. I love that.