In my experience losing a pet allows us to mourn out loud and more publicly and intensely than when a person we love dies. I don’t have a theory about this, just an awareness. Such a tender intimate piece you’ve written…thank you for inviting us into your grief…it feels a balm somehow. 💗

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So interesting. I've never thought about that. Now I will look out for the contrast.

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Yes, sometimes I find that can be true. My kitty died the day before the Hamas attack in Israel (10/6) and I had a much more immediate ability to access feelings about her death, than the steady stream of death that has resulted from those events on October 7th. In truth, I think that her death was a portal through which I could even begin to touch that larger suffering...

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Yes, I get this.

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These drawing are everything. Sending you all so much love ❤️

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Your beloved Kima looks so much like our cat, Lucy, who died in 2014. She had been one of a pair, not siblings but who had been together for a long time. Lucy and Lizzie had been rescued by a college friend of mine who talked me into “fostering” them temporarily. That was a joke, of course, and after Lizzie died two years earlier, our wonderful veterinarian, who lives in our neighborhood, made a “house call” on a Sunday afternoon. I held Lucy, who had lost weight from 14 down to 5 pounds, on her favorite blanket, and whispered “Go find Lizzie” as she died.

Thank you for sharing your little girls, your beautiful writing, your husband’s support, and your grief.

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So tender. Thanks for sharing.

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Thank you for this. I’m not a pet owner. That’s not true, we have a tortoise that a neighbor gifted to my son, which I hate them for. And it will likely outlive all of us. But there is plenty to grieve about these days, even without pets. And then this tender and profound writing of yours popped up in my inbox and it was exactly what I needed to read today. I’m grateful for the pause to think about what grief looks and feels like and why living and loving anyway is worth it.

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LOL about that tortoise.

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Hugs to you and your family. Our kids our so wise and sweet in the face of loss. When my dad died unexpectedly some time ago my then 6 year old child made me the most beautiful purple and green checked drawing with the simple words “I mis my dad” written in the center. At first I didn’t understand, but they said, “you can put it up in our office at work so people will know why you are sad.” This touched me so deeply. 🥰 And I did put it up.

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That's such a gorgeous story. Thank you.

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Thank you for this. And for your beautiful family. And for Stella's drawing because, MAN, Stella for President. Stella for Emperor. Stella for Whatever She Wants.

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Hahaha! You can be her campaign manager. Good luck!

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Oh Courtney! I am so sorry to hear about y'alls loss. I just held my sweet kitty girl as she died on October 6, so this is a very fresh feeling for me. I felt like your Maya. And then like your Stella. It moves around inside of me, and changes. Thank you for sharing her with us. <3

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So sorry for your loss, too, Michelle. Sending Redwood healing.

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Sending you and your family much love. No matter how long they are with us, it’s never long enough.

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So sensitively written--the human story of love and loss. Thank you for making it bearable.

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Much sympathy to you all. Just want to say how much I understand your deep desire to create this end for your beloved cat, and the comfort and peace that came with being able to see her through. I feel that way about my dog's departure, and the profound honor of it.

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Feeling lots of things here, a release of grief for sure. May Kima roam happily on the other side. Sending love to your whole family.

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This gave me a good cry. Losing a pet is so, so hard. I was much like Maya as a kid. You have a beautiful family and I appreciate you sharing Kima, and your grief, with all of us.

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I liked the photo of healing in the woods. Our nearby conifer forest provides perfect serenity for us here in Portland. DD

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Cats die? Nooo.

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Thanks for reminding us that there are many ways to experience and express grief. I appreciate your graceful- and sensitive - approach to life.

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Oh my, it’s so beautifully validated my wailing so hard when my dear Bichon died. And the ongoing mourning. Thank you to you and your sweet family.

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