I'm so grateful for this very thought provoking post...especially the part about the silverware drawer! I had conflicting responses: on the one hand, a big YES! because I want connection...and then a giant fear filled NO! because I am so protective of our privacy and the idea of people dropping by is very scary. So I get to contemplate this...
I'm so grateful for this very thought provoking post...especially the part about the silverware drawer! I had conflicting responses: on the one hand, a big YES! because I want connection...and then a giant fear filled NO! because I am so protective of our privacy and the idea of people dropping by is very scary. So I get to contemplate this...
I'm so grateful for this very thought provoking post...especially the part about the silverware drawer! I had conflicting responses: on the one hand, a big YES! because I want connection...and then a giant fear filled NO! because I am so protective of our privacy and the idea of people dropping by is very scary. So I get to contemplate this...