Whenever and wherever possible, walk or ride your bike. Let's take back the streets:-)

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YES, good thought. And these always help you with your mood, too.

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Simple but it changes so many things in a better direction

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I enthusiastically subscribe to all of these 36 vital actions. I want to express sincere gratitude to Courtney for this thoughtful and urgent message.

As #37, let's consider offering direct civil disobedience against this regime. During the historic resistance to the Vietnam war, those of us who are around my age(86) demonstrated the power of nonviolence (and it must be strictly nonviolent).

Today we can reflect on that decision with pride because it was the right move to champion peace against an immoral war, following the example of MLK.

Please seize this moment as an opportunity that you might someday decades from now recall proudly to your grandkids, or any youth seeking inspiration! DD

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We of the anti-Vietnam war generation also nonviolently held police blocked from sanctuary churches like Arlington St UU in Boston. We may need to do that again to stop the deportation of our neighbors who have irregular immigration status. It would be a lot harder for ICE to attack lots of middle class citizens blocking the doorways of churches and schools than for them to walk in and drag a child or adult immigrant out.

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Smile, wave, or say hello to your neighbors.

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So simple but it's a serious driver of getting a sense of community

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I just started a volunteer opportunity with a literacy organization near me. I will be paired up with someone new to the country and learning English as another language and we will meet weekly to chat in the hopes that it will help with English fluency. Such an easy and fun volunteer opportunity!

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Awesome! And there are some amazing organization bolstering literacy with our kids.

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I don't know whether this fits thematically with the list here, but when we sat down with our kids at the end of the year to talk about where we want to commit our energies in the New Year, my son said that he wanted to support organizations that stand for inclusion and offer direct services in states other than the progressive one in which we live. There are people whose own local communities are unlikely to rise up to defend and support them, who need people not to leave them out of the circle of care just because they are not locals.

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Great point! We can re-define local and put some serious thought into who is most vulnerable in their local community. An engaged citizen diaspora!

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Support restaurants that are buying from local farmers.

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Subscribe to and read Heather Cox Richardson on Substack to stay in touch with national news in a sane way.

Do something that feeds your soul (art, dance etc) - it gives you more life blood to tackle overwhelming circumstances.

Thanks Courtney - great ideas! I'm going to incorporate some of them.

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I think you mean Heather Cox Richardson? She’s extraordinary. https://open.substack.com/pub/heathercoxrichardson/p/january-20-2025?r=efcy&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web.

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Yes - Heather! I had Courtney on the brain as I was writing...

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help to get progressive laws passed on a local level! I recently helped a group of 8 people do community outreach and attend town hall meetings, getting a tenants law passed in my small town. It has been incredibly rewarding to be involved in local politics!

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That's amazing. Way to go, Erin! What was the very first step you took to get involved in that work?

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Recommit to wearing a high quality mask and taking other precautions about Covid daily. Support your local mask bloc to provide tests and masks to people who can’t afford them.

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Thank you for this reminder.

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Write a letter to the editor or a commentary column for your most local paper. Try to speak of “in my experience” or “ what seems to be emerging” instead of “the truth is or “in my opinion.” The first two phrases acknowledge there may be other experiences and insights. The latter two shut down room for other views.

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I love this list so much! Here’s another: volunteer at a local arts program for kids, especially ones that provide free programs. Chapter 510 here in Oakland is incredible, as are the 826 Valencia outposts across the country 💕

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Love it!

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Read Rebecca Solnit’s “Hope in the Dark” and refuse to give up on the future!

I’m also planning to read more books about fascist politics and history to feel more grounded and informed when I take in what is or isn’t happening now.

AND! Three cheers for Hand in Hand and the National Domestic Workers Alliance! They met the first term in 2017 with grit grace and creativity. (I was on the team back then and learned vast amounts from them all.) Two words: playdate protests.

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Yes! I end the interview with a quotation from it.

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Eat local, buy from a farmer at a farmers market or a mother growing / making food. If you do eat meat, source it from a local farmer and cook cook cook at home.

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Great suggestions. Any ideas for people who find the farmers market to be too pricey?

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Yes actually - we are not made of money and we try our best to always source meat from a farmer. It requires planning ahead and buying 'in bulk' which means you get a quarter animal all at once and make room in your freezer. Meatsuite.come is a website I often promote for people just getting into this way of living. But don't expect "boneless" and tiny pieces.. you may get a whole chicken or a bunch of stew meat you will have to figure out how to use!

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Thank you!

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Start a neighborhood walk together time dependent on your age and ability

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Cute! Love this idea. Reminds me of GirlTrek.

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Keep abreast of what bills are being considered in your state legislature. There are many opportunities throughout the process for public input, and it makes a difference.

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How do you do this most easily?

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When wielding power,

it behooves us to speak truth,

act wisely, be kind.

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