Dear Jere: I count myself among the very lucky folks who’ve enjoyed face-to-face time with you! Sharon and I have such fond memories of meeting you and Ron at the Tea House in Santa Fe, and visiting in your art-filled home. We understood right away why Courtney treasures you, and what an important role you played in giving the world a daughter whom all of us treasure! So we are more than delighted to join in wishing you a very happy 75th birthday, a number that still seems young by my ever-evolving standards! Big, big hugs from your Madison Fan Club, including this guy who’s beyond proud that my name found its way into your family! Lots of love, Parker

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i cried just seeing what this was about :)

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What amazing eloquence! Your mother must be incredibly gratified to receive such a deeply felt and perfectly expressed letter. Please give Jere my warmest birthday wishes and many thanks for sharing this beautiful tribute. DD

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Happy Birthday, Jere, from another 75-year-old who feels lucky to know about you through Courtney's beautiful tribute. She has inspired me to resurrect the tributes to my own mother on the occasion of her 90th, and then exactly two months later, at her memorial service. Meanwhile, you GO girl!

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Oh, goodness! What a magical mama you've got. Thanks for sharing her with us.

Happy almost birthday, Mama Martin! May every blessing rain down upon you that hasn't yet, and may you delight in those that have, like your girl, Courtney. Love to you both. XO, Asha

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Awww.. What a lovely tribute to your mom. It's also super-helpful because we all need models for growing older and wiser and finding ways to be a continuing good for the families we started. So many good attributes to ponder. You are both magical.

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I can hardly breathe thinking about how much I love this. Your mom. What a gem. I still can’t believe I invited her to have coffee in Minneapolis and she didn’t just come she was ALL in, fully present and a special friend at hello. Happiest of birthdays Jere, you’ve made such a difference in my life!! So much love!!

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Love that, Jane. She's an all in kind of human.

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I remember how much respect you had for both your parents when I first met you long ago. I feel that love implicitly or explicitly in everything you write. I'm going to be 75 years old in July too, and if my children were to say half of these things about me, I would be honored. You have set a high bar for us grandmas to aspire to. And we hope the magic and love you have poured out here comes back to you in full measure, pressed down and overflowing.

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Happy birthday to Courtney’s Mom. We should all be blessed with your accepting spirit and openness.

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Tears here, too :)

This is a great reminder for us to honour our loved ones. It's especially powerful when we take the time to think and write.

Happy happy Momma!

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I already love her!!!

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Happy birthday, Jere! As a just-turned-75 yo and a 1st time brand new grandma, I know how much love flows through us. And I also know how hard it is sometimes to be present enough during really hard times to manifest that love completely. You have raised a beautiful daughter with a huge heart--just like her mom. Congratulations on being a mom who inspired the love and devotion that this letter reveals! And continue avoiding the post office--I love their mission of delivering the mail--but being inside the building is often a very challenging experience :)

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This is so beautiful. Your Mom is special. Thank you for sharing.

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I have loved playing with the idea that every letter is a love letter -- so someone, or something -- and this letter is a love letter to her and to you and to life and family and integrity and so much more.

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My remembrance is of my Auntie Else for her thoughtfulness, generosity of heart, and welcoming of difference throughout her long life.

I remember she thought there were generational differences- that her parents' generation and my parents' generation were narrower-minded than hers, that open-mindedness somehow skipped generations because of cycles in cultural history.

She was a social worker and an activist, a holocaust survivor and a survivor of deep traumas in her own life, the suicides of both her mother and her sister.

Had she had children, it would have been amazing to see them today.

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Wow, what an interesting theory: "open-mindedness somehow skipped generations because of cycles in cultural history." Pouring one out for Auntie Else today.

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Happy birthday, Courtney's mom! Hope the day is as fabulous as you and your daughter!

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