I can't begin to find words for this latest tragedy because the cumulative force of the violence is inexpressible. The sidebar in today's NY Times that charts the nine massacres throughout the U.S. that have happened only so far this year (p.A19) prove that America is incapable of stopping this hideous scourge. Then, watching Lupita Nyon…
I can't begin to find words for this latest tragedy because the cumulative force of the violence is inexpressible. The sidebar in today's NY Times that charts the nine massacres throughout the U.S. that have happened only so far this year (p.A19) prove that America is incapable of stopping this hideous scourge. Then, watching Lupita Nyong'o's "Sulwe's Song" with her visit to the Renaissance Youth Center class two years ago, was a perfect illustration of the empathic emotions that we all should have. Yet, in my present mood, traumatized by these horrors, I had a terrible thought that overpowered me: what if a killer suddenly entered this class and murdered these beautifully joyous little children? How can we stop these nightmares from occurring? At any rate, if anyone can put into words the inexpressible, then it's Courtney, so please keep them coming! DD
I can't begin to find words for this latest tragedy because the cumulative force of the violence is inexpressible. The sidebar in today's NY Times that charts the nine massacres throughout the U.S. that have happened only so far this year (p.A19) prove that America is incapable of stopping this hideous scourge. Then, watching Lupita Nyong'o's "Sulwe's Song" with her visit to the Renaissance Youth Center class two years ago, was a perfect illustration of the empathic emotions that we all should have. Yet, in my present mood, traumatized by these horrors, I had a terrible thought that overpowered me: what if a killer suddenly entered this class and murdered these beautifully joyous little children? How can we stop these nightmares from occurring? At any rate, if anyone can put into words the inexpressible, then it's Courtney, so please keep them coming! DD