So, so beautiful! What a gorgeous reminder on a mundane Wednesday. Thank you Courtney.

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I loved this. One clumsy and grieving addition - I've learned that it's possible to feel a parent's love even when they're gone from our time and space. I don't believe my dad is anywhere anymore, but his love is absolutely still with me - still a real and sustaining force in my life. I think frequently about how to give this gift to my own children. Thanks for putting so much of it into words.

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Wowzer that's special. Thank you for the addition, Jane.

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I needed this today. It really resonated. Thank you ❤️

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I'm extremely grateful to Courtney for this characteristically eloquent hymn to forms of Love, from eros to agape. I claim to be somewhat exceptional in my appreciation. Because I initially fell into love with her as my student at Barnard. This was around 2000, when she bravely faced down an aggressive crowd of Columbia Slam Poets in a contest where she prevailed with an inspiring performance. How many of her fans can make such a longstanding claim? Now, as she has become my teacher, I still can applaud as I did then, at her awesome accomplishments. Thank you! Love as always, DD

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Thank you. Thank you.

Powerful writing. Honest. Important.

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Hi Courtney, I recently started following along and I feel this piece so much. In September I left my kids for a couple of trips and the feeling is the simple and complex description of... bittersweet. I, too, have discussed the various measures of love in therapy! You braided so many beautiful words together here on the complexity and amazingness of love all around us, I can relate.

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So glad it resonated.

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as someone whose love language is words of affirmation, this is such a lovely reminder to also pay attention to actions -- small gestures, offerings, those little 'acts of service.' I read this before making breakfast for my daughter this morning, and it was a very meaningful moment to serve her with these words echoing in my head.

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Ah, I love imagining that!

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Wonderful piece! I felt the pain of seperation recently and it made me feel the love even more. It made me realise that everything I do is for them. Even the small things.

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Thank you, Courtney, for your words about loving and being loved. The Rice Crispie anecdote connected me instantly to all the ways in which people in my life have shown me love.

I think that in those moments, I often did not fully see how the seemingly small actions and/or words demonstrated a deep true love, and showed me how those people in my life truly knew and loved me. Your words reminded me of that, and will help me to stay present in the moments of my life so as to better notice and embrace love in all its forms. Also, reminding me to try to give to others in similar ways.

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Oh, Courtney! This is stunning.

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