Oh jeez I loved this so much, Court. Thanks for being such a gifted noticer-- both of the people you love and of yourself-- and of having the gift to share those noticings.

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Oh man, that's the best compliment. Thanks Bucks.

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I love reading about you and Megan 🥰. I can just see you sitting at Steele school making a difference that lasts lifelong Just warms my heart so much

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Such a beautiful story about how childhood friendships can continue through life! It’s deeply inspiring and we must all be grateful for Courtney’s sharing it.

I’d like to add a dimension about long distance relationships. My best friend (after my lifelong partner, Sharron), lives and teaches in Delhi. Although we’ve been able to meet only twice over 12 years, we correspond almost daily and he suggested the inscription of my recent book, “To the force of friendship.”

Such intimate correspondence, across continents, gives even greater meaning to this wonderful aspect of our humanity. DD

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I love this DD. Adult penpals are the best.

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If I put my astrologer hat on for a moment, what you're saying just makes sense. And your use of the term "sacred geometries" is related, because within the context of an astrological chart the angle of relationship between different bodies (planets and such) says a lot about the tonal quality of those relationships. It's also true that placements, or what I would call archetypal stories, repeat themselves across generations. Like my maternal grandfather was a Leo alcoholic who died of liver cirrhosis in his early fifties and then my brother was a Leo alcoholic who died of liver cirrhosis in his early fifties, despite the fact that he was adopted and they shared no genetic material. Still, a family constellation, if you will.

I tend to collect Scorpios specifically, and Water signs in general. I have no placements in water signs in my chart, so there's something essential that I need to be a full human being that they help me access, though sometimes they are inexplicable to me. My two bio kids and I have Suns in the same approximate place in each of the three Earth signs, which means that on the 360 degree astrological wheel we create a perfect triangle. For all of the inevitable challenges of being intimately connected to other people, we have a really solid, free-flowing energy between us, which is the tonal quality of a trine. It's also true that there's nothing more stable than a three-legged table, and we are definitely that.

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Wow, love all this. My Maya is a Scorpio, Asha!

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Ruled by Mars, which is likely part of the stubbornness, or clarity of self if we're being more diplomatic about it. I've never known two groups that were more stubborn than Scorpios and Tauruses, which are right opposite each other and two sides of the same coin in some respects. My ex-husband is a Scorpio and our son is a Taurus. :)

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Megan is a Taurus!

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I am a Scorpio sun and Taurus moon. 😎😈 You WILL NOT tell me what to do.

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What a wonderful post! It will soon be on its way to my wife, my daughter and her daughter - the latter of whom came to mind immediately as you described Megan.

Your conclusion " . . . hoping these words make you see your people’s strange group dance differently" is at the same time lofty and yet so important - Thank You Courtney

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Love that. Thanks Mark.

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Sacred geometries - what a wonderful descriptor. Thank you. I love the idea of time folding back on itself, or weaving - beautifully - a sacred design.

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Great post thank you. And what a beautiful photo of your daughter and your friend!

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You wrote a lovely post about your best friend and your young daughter. The value I perceived as I read your words was that you respected the individuality of your friend and now your child. The way you slightly changed the wording each time you asked about school seemed powerful. I too believe in respecting the unique traits of each child and each individual.

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Oh my Courtney this gave me shivers, it’s such a powerful observation. I am nothing like my sister, we don’t even get on, but so like my dad even though I probably wouldn’t haven’t admitted that to him! It’s like having a guardian angel that one day is just going to say I completely get you. How beautiful. 💫🙏

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My daughter named her daughter Ellie, after my fierce and fearless sister Ellen - who everyone called Ellie. When my granddaughter Ellie was 2 I brought her a rocking horse as a gift. I set it down, and instead of sitting on it and rocking like a normal person, Ellie jumped on the seat, and, standing and laughing, moved her feet to rock back and forth on it in the most dangerous possible way. I was both horrified and amused. "There's my sister," I thought.

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This piece warmed my heart in so many ways, Courtney. I see my mother and Lars so often through others, making me love them all the more. Loved hearing how your deep insights are shaping your parenting. Such lucky girls!

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This was such a great story of friendship and the extrapolation to soul groups. We are all connected. I love that.

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Love this! What is Maya on the enneagram? (Asking for a dad who's trying to understand his son...) :)

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