Spectacular post! We had the same problems with my son 20-some years ago. Including the throwing-everything-out-of-his-dresser rage. No siblings, so finally we got a dog. Max-the-beagle was the answer to sweet dreams.

PS Jordy is now a wonderful 27-year-old man, working in the nonprofit sector, married to a wonderful woman, and with a dog of their own, Larry.

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This was exactly my 2 boys. I always said my younger son was a 'social sleeper'. He slept at daycare and didn't sleep at home. When we finally moved him in with his older brother (when baby #3 was born), he miraculously started sleeping through the night. He just needed someone in the room with him!

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Oh I loved this one. Did she lose your temper? Ha!

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I love this so much! Even made me think about a sibling for Carter... if only I could face another first year!

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Love this so much, mama! Beautifully done— the writing and the parenting!

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OH this is so beautiful! God bless you for your enormous patience! God bless her sister! God bless the mess and finally, the much needed sleep! <3

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