I love this! As a sample size of 1 I would most certainly love to see it on Substack. Government program design (re: hunger, PTO, etc) seems to have this assumption that life is actually great for everyone and that any time you need to borrow from the government its simply a temporary measure to get back to your life being great. Lots of racism and sexism to unpack there. People like me often assume that because my life is so easy, everyone else is doing something wrong if theirs isn't. I am impoverished by my own privilege and do not see the harm that it causes others and just how misguided that mode of thinking is. News letters like this one are continually helping me unlearn this and re-learn to to live better with my neighbors. Thanks, Courtney!

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Michael, this is such a good point: "this assumption that life is actually great for everyone and that any time you need to borrow" it's a failure. Between Courtney's annotation and your comment, you've shifted my brain a little this morning. Thank you.

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Me too! Thanks Michael. A great way to think about it. Just as there is a cognitive tax of poverty (the kind of tunneling that happens when you are constantly just trying to get your needs met), there is a cognitive tax of privilege -- lack of historic and systemic literacy.

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Thanks Courtney. I appreciate your nerdiness! I have it in other area's of my life. I'd love it if you shared on this platform. I am not on instagram and to have someone cull what's worth a read is super helpful. And I am from Bend OR...that is a concerning post about the guns.

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This is great, Courtney! I live in Portland, and I had no idea about the gun-buying surge in our state...

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