I, too, was moved to put pen to paper the minute I got up.
NOVEMBER 6, 2024
O, America, I weep.
The Nation stands at the doorway of a future we can't even imagine, and I weep because you lacked the courage to take that step forward. You chose instead to turn back into the dark, comforting arms of the past: "getting ahead" instead of "giving a hand"; slamming doors shut instead of opening them wide to new breezes, new ideas, new people; ; hating our neighbors instead of loving them as ourselves; raping the earth as if we owned it instead of nurturing and preserving it as if our lives depended on it ; shunning "the other" instead of weaving the threads of the indigenous, the immigrant, the divergent into the tapestry of America along with the falsely named "normal."
I used to say I was glad I was old and would not see an uncertain future, but now I know I must live long to keep the flames of compassion alive, to ensure that the future, like the incoming tide or the rising sun, is greeted with open arms, to vote for our first woman President, and to pass my hard-earned wisdom on. You are needed, fellow crones. Now is our time
"We are going to move through our lives being as different from him as we can." I love this so much, Courtney. I'm not American, but the trouble with how I met the moment in 2017 was that actions were so reactive and also DEFINED by him. Everything was wrong with that. This is an approach feels freer, more sustainable, and wonderfully subversive too. Thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you for the words I needed to hear - honest & real. As I awakened today it has been almost impossible for me to “inhabit the present” but I know it is the only way for me to be with myself & others. Wow - stay tender, stay together- my new mantra.
Now is the time to think about mobilizing a real mass civil disobedience movement once the government starts its invasion of our rights. We have the best model in MLK’s historic nonviolent resistance to racism. DD
We are all in this together. As I sit with so many feelings, I know that community matters and makes a difference. The metta practice (loving kindness) creates a container for all my emotions and yet reminds me of our connections across what feels like a ravine. We shall stay tender and stay together - for ourselves as well as for everybody.
I have been avoiding reading or listening to anything post-election because I could distract myself forever from my own feelings and grief about the results. I'm reacting by getting quieter, at least for now. Today I read your words because I knew I could trust you to meet me there and offer something real. Thank you.
Beautiful thank you, yesterday I was also thinking about my parents who like yours were not perfect people but the good far outweighed anything else. My dad got fired from a job he loved & had worked for over two decades when new ownership came in & wanted him as an accountant to so called "cook the book's" you know lie,cheat,fudge or whatever for the company. He refused, his ethical standards would not let him do that, so out the door & on unemployment he went after first searching everywhere for six months. I was a care giver to him & so treasured all these little tender moments that you describe. One being watching him sit outside on a lovely day quietly watching the birds & other little creatures of nature. I'd peek out the window to see him seemingly so joyful & silent which also brought joy to my heart. My mom had a bell she would use & ring when she was informed with cancer for help. When she passed my dad would ring it for me or others when he needed help. Although I have to be honest he could go a little heavy on that bell thing so I told him "Dad, I'm here you don't have to keep ringing it." I most assured know he got the message because when I myself was down with something that left me out for awhile he came to me, & handed me the bell saying "If you need anything just ring." Both have since passed but I have the bell. Yesterday, I lovingly & tenderly without any rhythm or reason picked it up & rang the bell. I am sure subconsciously there was somewhat of a help sos meaning to it but perhaps more importantly to be living & tender to myself also. At least that is how I choose or want to think about it. I think that is also good advice for any especially in wake of what happened on Tuesday. I do want to be completely transparent though, I do not have enough of these important currencies to go around anymore so again I will choose who, where or what I want to I want to give or share them with. Believe me they seem to be in short supply these days. Of course I will also continue to ring the bell, some might use sage or other things I'm ringing the bell as an energy cleanse.
Tears are rolling down my face. You NAILED it once again Courtney. I was sitting with Frank tonight helping him with dinner and telling him with a post picture the “this man won the presidential election” and he frowned at the response. Did he know what I was saying? Who the fuck knows….but I do and I KNOW he would be devastated for his daughters, granddaughters, son in law who worked so hard to get a green card and his other son in law who takes care of many who have limited resources. Thank you for your ability to write so beautifully what I wish I could express as well. Love Love
Unfathomable that we’re here again. Thanks for making the morning after more bearable, Courtney — as you did in 2016 with your post-election Creative Mornings/Oakland talk that was to have celebrated our first woman president then — but had to be re-tooled last minute to comfort/ground/fortify us instead. Thanks for doing that again!
I am glad at least that your father is not suffering from the election.
My father has been dead now for many years, but I am glad he did not live to see this day. Even in better times he would wake with nightmares of the SS dragging him out of his bed.
He would be shattered.
Love to all of you. I know Valarie Kaur is assembling an online gathering drawing people to grief and press on together. As she says, it has always been a long project...
I have a postcard of a saying that has been a guiding light for me for many years - you should see how tattered the card is! Anyway, thank you so, so much for your moving words and encouragement to carry on together - I would like to share this with you -and others “Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist. Keep loving. Keep fighting.” Today is for processing and regrouping. Tomorrow, back to it!
I, too, was moved to put pen to paper the minute I got up.
NOVEMBER 6, 2024
O, America, I weep.
The Nation stands at the doorway of a future we can't even imagine, and I weep because you lacked the courage to take that step forward. You chose instead to turn back into the dark, comforting arms of the past: "getting ahead" instead of "giving a hand"; slamming doors shut instead of opening them wide to new breezes, new ideas, new people; ; hating our neighbors instead of loving them as ourselves; raping the earth as if we owned it instead of nurturing and preserving it as if our lives depended on it ; shunning "the other" instead of weaving the threads of the indigenous, the immigrant, the divergent into the tapestry of America along with the falsely named "normal."
I used to say I was glad I was old and would not see an uncertain future, but now I know I must live long to keep the flames of compassion alive, to ensure that the future, like the incoming tide or the rising sun, is greeted with open arms, to vote for our first woman President, and to pass my hard-earned wisdom on. You are needed, fellow crones. Now is our time
Today I weep.
Tomorrow I rise.
Heather Wilson
Amen. Thanks for sharing.
"We are going to move through our lives being as different from him as we can." I love this so much, Courtney. I'm not American, but the trouble with how I met the moment in 2017 was that actions were so reactive and also DEFINED by him. Everything was wrong with that. This is an approach feels freer, more sustainable, and wonderfully subversive too. Thank you for the inspiration.
Thank you, Courtney. Yes to staying tender and staying together.
Sending a big care bear stare of love straight into your home this morning, Sharon. You both deserve a better story, too.
Thank you for the words I needed to hear - honest & real. As I awakened today it has been almost impossible for me to “inhabit the present” but I know it is the only way for me to be with myself & others. Wow - stay tender, stay together- my new mantra.
Now is the time to think about mobilizing a real mass civil disobedience movement once the government starts its invasion of our rights. We have the best model in MLK’s historic nonviolent resistance to racism. DD
Thank you, Courtney, for having the capacity to share a slice of your life and wisdom today. Much needed and appreciated! Xo
We are all in this together. As I sit with so many feelings, I know that community matters and makes a difference. The metta practice (loving kindness) creates a container for all my emotions and yet reminds me of our connections across what feels like a ravine. We shall stay tender and stay together - for ourselves as well as for everybody.
The ravine! Perfect metaphor, Mary Lou. Thank you.
I have been avoiding reading or listening to anything post-election because I could distract myself forever from my own feelings and grief about the results. I'm reacting by getting quieter, at least for now. Today I read your words because I knew I could trust you to meet me there and offer something real. Thank you.
Thank you, Carla. I take your trust very seriously.
Beautiful thank you, yesterday I was also thinking about my parents who like yours were not perfect people but the good far outweighed anything else. My dad got fired from a job he loved & had worked for over two decades when new ownership came in & wanted him as an accountant to so called "cook the book's" you know lie,cheat,fudge or whatever for the company. He refused, his ethical standards would not let him do that, so out the door & on unemployment he went after first searching everywhere for six months. I was a care giver to him & so treasured all these little tender moments that you describe. One being watching him sit outside on a lovely day quietly watching the birds & other little creatures of nature. I'd peek out the window to see him seemingly so joyful & silent which also brought joy to my heart. My mom had a bell she would use & ring when she was informed with cancer for help. When she passed my dad would ring it for me or others when he needed help. Although I have to be honest he could go a little heavy on that bell thing so I told him "Dad, I'm here you don't have to keep ringing it." I most assured know he got the message because when I myself was down with something that left me out for awhile he came to me, & handed me the bell saying "If you need anything just ring." Both have since passed but I have the bell. Yesterday, I lovingly & tenderly without any rhythm or reason picked it up & rang the bell. I am sure subconsciously there was somewhat of a help sos meaning to it but perhaps more importantly to be living & tender to myself also. At least that is how I choose or want to think about it. I think that is also good advice for any especially in wake of what happened on Tuesday. I do want to be completely transparent though, I do not have enough of these important currencies to go around anymore so again I will choose who, where or what I want to I want to give or share them with. Believe me they seem to be in short supply these days. Of course I will also continue to ring the bell, some might use sage or other things I'm ringing the bell as an energy cleanse.
Ring that bell! Love this. Thank you.
Tears are rolling down my face. You NAILED it once again Courtney. I was sitting with Frank tonight helping him with dinner and telling him with a post picture the “this man won the presidential election” and he frowned at the response. Did he know what I was saying? Who the fuck knows….but I do and I KNOW he would be devastated for his daughters, granddaughters, son in law who worked so hard to get a green card and his other son in law who takes care of many who have limited resources. Thank you for your ability to write so beautifully what I wish I could express as well. Love Love
Unfathomable that we’re here again. Thanks for making the morning after more bearable, Courtney — as you did in 2016 with your post-election Creative Mornings/Oakland talk that was to have celebrated our first woman president then — but had to be re-tooled last minute to comfort/ground/fortify us instead. Thanks for doing that again!
Thank you for your work for us all - for those you tuck in and for those tucking in others. Let's tuck in together. Onward.
I am glad at least that your father is not suffering from the election.
My father has been dead now for many years, but I am glad he did not live to see this day. Even in better times he would wake with nightmares of the SS dragging him out of his bed.
He would be shattered.
Love to all of you. I know Valarie Kaur is assembling an online gathering drawing people to grief and press on together. As she says, it has always been a long project...
thank you. we are all in this together and he does not define us. telling my three children this morning, though, was devastating.
This brings me to tears. I really needed this more than I can express. Thank you.
Thank you for telling me, Karen. My dad thought you were a genius, too!
I have a postcard of a saying that has been a guiding light for me for many years - you should see how tattered the card is! Anyway, thank you so, so much for your moving words and encouragement to carry on together - I would like to share this with you -and others “Your heart is a muscle the size of your fist. Keep loving. Keep fighting.” Today is for processing and regrouping. Tomorrow, back to it!
Thank you for sharing that. I love it.