This spoke deeply to me and my state of being, Courtney. At 68, during this past year, I have been experiencing many similar experiences as you wrote about. They continue to be a combination of painful, enlightening, and deeply humbling. I have wished I could have undergone this transformative process earlier in my life, instead of just charging through in my own coping way. However, I am also trying to have compassion for myself, and forgive myself for not working on this a long time ago. In fact, I thought I had been working on it- very enlightening to learn how much about myself I hid from my conscious self. Anyway, thank you for writing this. I feel less alone in my journey after reading it. I also feel buoyed up by your words to keep working on growing up and embracing life and all it brings.

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"I feel less alone in my journey after reading it." - what music to my ears! Thank you Lynn.

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Wow. I read this in the middle of a super busy work day and while I don't have time (ha) to put more thoughts into these words all I can say is that they stopped me in my tracks. How boring and beautiful and fascinating aging is....

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Thanks friend! Sending deep breaths. I know those days.

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Thank you, Courtney. It's about the duality of life, isn't it? I am not important, but my authentic voice is necessary / crucial to the world. It's wonderfully tied up with loving ourselves Just As We Are, and being brave / free to be our imperfect, human selves.

Wise words I have already shared with my beautiful 24 year old son, and precious 40 year old niece.

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Something so perfect to share with my almost perfect, almost grown 30 and 40 year old daughters. Thank you.

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"The surprising texture of maturation" -- love that!

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Thank you for articulating this Courtney! I was going to write that what you say works for me too--in my 80s. Then I saw how many others of different ages are saying similar things, and I'm excited! Maybe we're EVOLVING, learning to transform the greed and delusion that got our world into this mess?

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I love the idea of our collective evolution too, thanks for that Louise.

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Of course, the North American reverence of achievement and success contributes negatively to our lives. I guess - thinking out loud -if we love ourselves, and find our voice, we may not be so influenced by that philosophy. We will see that the truly life giving things in life aren't things.

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Courtney- wow. I felt every word of this deep in my core. Thank you for putting these thoughts and words out in the universe for us to resonate with and learn from and reflect. Forwarding to my mama now. Miss you.

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Thanks bud! Miss you so!

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You are a small triumph, friend.

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Best compliment ever.

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Genius. Comforting. compassionate. real. life. grateful.

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so beautiful. so wise. so true. thank you for the honesty of your noticing.

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Exactly. Great writing Courtney. You captured much of where I am at 56, too. Thank you!

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"It’s knowing there is nothing original to say, and not worrying so much about saying it anyway. I’ve only got this one life to tell you what I’m noticing." This single line reverberates with so much honesty! The entire article resonated so deeply with me and I think, growth to me singularly means, noticing these small but meaningful changes in ourselves time and again. In my last newsletter, I spoke about how maintaining a milestone list keeps us abreast of all the intangible unnoticeable things we outgrow every day!

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This is gorgeous. So full of quiet triumphs and acknowledgment of the profundity of them, even though we don’t get to march across the stage with our arms in the air and everyone we know clapping for us. Thank you.

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I love the idea of leaving blank pages for the surprises. Oh beautiful for spacious lives ...

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Really needed to hear all of this today, thank you for sharing it.

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