Thank you for your hopeful message.

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Terrific perspective or lens through which to see this recent powerhouse DNC event. Powerful framing of its meaning. Thank you! 👏🏻

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Having only tuned into a small portion of the DNC, I appreciate your handy summary and analysis of the event as a whole. And yay for the unscripted (!)

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We're all grateful for this inspiring message. DD

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Courtney, thank you for highlighting the exact same line that created such a damper (to put it lightly) for me that evening. And thanks for the reminder to hold all of it together and to fight for the rest of it.

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Love the observation that we are all a bundle of imperfections and contradictions, but we love one another anyway.

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Thanks for pointing at the power of genuine! Or, as I just wrote in my re-share (word play girl) on Facebook! Gen*YOU*WIN!!! Love you Courtney. I flared at that exact same "lethal" line. AND, am so very all in to bring this joy-fueled, possibility-filled team home to serve America. (Secretly imagining a pace as fast as that wild month---of change and tipping points and MOVEMENT inside our precious nation once this team and blue Congress hits the ground running!)

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Thanks for sharing your thoughts here, and best wishes on all the big life changes you’re walking through.

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