PBS second hour of '1A' today, February 17, interviewed an author (forgot her name) who wrote the book: "The Three Mothers", about the women who raised Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and James Baldwin. All three women were accomplished 'in their own right'! It's now one of my 'want-to-reads'!
PBS is blowing me away with their selection for Black His(her)story month. I have read many books to learn and support the BLM cause during the pandemic but it helps to see people move, breath, suffer, love and laugh. Their special on Marion Anderson (American Experience) does just that. I had read books about her to my fourth graders but to see her beauty and grace, to hear her sing, made her so real! To see the black women entertainers of the 60s working for the civil rights movement deepened my understanding of their role (American Masters). My love affair of over fifty years with Nina Simone was given new life. I am looking forward to their special on the black church. I love their body of work!
PBS second hour of '1A' today, February 17, interviewed an author (forgot her name) who wrote the book: "The Three Mothers", about the women who raised Martin Luther King, Malcolm X, and James Baldwin. All three women were accomplished 'in their own right'! It's now one of my 'want-to-reads'!
PBS is blowing me away with their selection for Black His(her)story month. I have read many books to learn and support the BLM cause during the pandemic but it helps to see people move, breath, suffer, love and laugh. Their special on Marion Anderson (American Experience) does just that. I had read books about her to my fourth graders but to see her beauty and grace, to hear her sing, made her so real! To see the black women entertainers of the 60s working for the civil rights movement deepened my understanding of their role (American Masters). My love affair of over fifty years with Nina Simone was given new life. I am looking forward to their special on the black church. I love their body of work!