The media gives us such vital articles to inspire tomorrow’s Mother’s Day. First, there’s Courtney’s latest interview that makes me shout out “Yay, Angela!” And then read all of the books she mentioned. Then there are two Op Ed pieces in today’s Saturday NY Times by Stephanie Foo and Alison Block that present blazing insights into the complexity of motherhood and the immense responsibility of caring for women and children. I’m honestly overwhelmed by Dr. Block’s courage as an abortion provider. Thanks to all for these gifts of thoughtful meditation on the many meanings that this special Day may carry. DD

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What an interview! Her perspective on parenting as a privileged person was a lightning bolt: “If public school is good enough for Azmira, it’s good enough for you.” Hell yeah!

Need to get my hands on both of her books!

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Love! Thank you for introducing me to Angela's work. I resonate so much with this:

"My intent is always to write the essays, articles, and books that I need--that I want and deserve, and that don't necessarily exist yet. I consider my writing, in part, as service, but it's also quite selfish!"

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Such a lovely approach to being a mom. And a needed correction to a lot of the literature out there. Three cheers for Angela and Will and their DESIRE to bring this book to life.

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