Love this:

"We’ve been introduced to our own resilience this year and it was breathtaking. Remember?"

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Yes, I remember now! We must keep remembering; thank you for reminding us. Deep breaths. Swish.

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Thanks as always for your words, which I weekly find food for my soul. Good to be reminded to take those long slow deep breaths right now. I have a covid story to share. We have been hosting an outdoor, correctly distanced weekly covid wine gathering throughout the summer that has been such a source of joy and connection for all of us. And we have all wondered how long we can continue as the Seattle fall/winter sets in. Last Saturday my dear friend showed up with 6 very warm hot water bottles, one for each of us to keep us warm that night and to use at future gatherings. Such a simple thing - a hot water bottle, but such an expression of pure love and kindness.

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