I am wondering if change is the right word. What about something more like "how are we the same in a different way"? Sort of like how you hinted at at the end of the essay-we always bring our unconscious with us. Its made invisible things visible and visible, tangible things intangible and invisible. Its like we are the same and everything around is changing-how do we want to respond?
I am wondering if change is the right word. What about something more like "how are we the same in a different way"? Sort of like how you hinted at at the end of the essay-we always bring our unconscious with us. Its made invisible things visible and visible, tangible things intangible and invisible. Its like we are the same and everything around is changing-how do we want to respond?
I am wondering if change is the right word. What about something more like "how are we the same in a different way"? Sort of like how you hinted at at the end of the essay-we always bring our unconscious with us. Its made invisible things visible and visible, tangible things intangible and invisible. Its like we are the same and everything around is changing-how do we want to respond?