This exchange with Steph Jagger, together with her video, had a powerful impact on me and I'll certainly read her new book. Your heart wrenching interview struck home because after my mother died with dementia at 80, my brother, Terry, was struck with younger onset Alzheimer's in his early 60's, lasting until only age 72.

I recall reading Dr. Lisa Genova's "Still Alice"(2007) when he was afflicted. By the time the film based on it appeared in 2014, his struggle became agonizing for him and all the family. Courtney and Steph have provided a vital service by bringing this terrible illness to more light when there's far too little published about it, given its prevalence in the U.S. I'd welcome more discussion of it here. Thanks so much for this inspiring story. DD

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A few years ago in the church I was serving, we had a sermon delivered by a retired pastor who had taken up work with those with dementia. "For too long," he said, "we live with the axiom, I think - there for I am." We have over privileged cognition - dementia does not take away capacity for relationship, for laughter and for joy.

I certainly knew this to be true as my mom developed early onset Alzheimers, as well as with so many others over my years as a pastor. I learned a great deal about relationship and care as I watched and walked with my mom. Maybe I wouldn't have chosen the years to progress that way, but nor would I trade those years away.

This came to me as I read about Steph's reflection on wordlessness. Thanks for introducing her work to us.

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That's so beautiful Winton. I am learning so much about how to be with someone (young and old!) and communicate their worth beyond words in my own life.

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Thank you for making us aware of Steph Jagger’s heartfelt, insightful and straightforward new book. I look forward to reading it as one who is searching for guidance in this area.

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This interview is beautiful. Thanks so much for sharing.

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Really enjoyed this. Thank you.

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Thank you for this. We are walking this road with my beloved mother right now. So much more to say, but in short, thank you.🙏🏻♥️

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Another gorgeous and heartbreaking film treatment of Alzheimer's Disease is "Away from Her' by Sarah Polley.

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You may enjoy this brief video “Conversations with My Mother” https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=4W3lPUXIi-0

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