Thank you! I needed to hear, "You are already doing it" today. Contract and expand works for me.

However, I do need to dance through my house occasionally to lift my spirits.:)

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Yes, by all means DANCE!

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Give Stella an unbirthday party. Times are scary for kids right now and some cake and balloons would do everyone some good!

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Love it!

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Contract and expand. Contract and expand. Contract and expand. This virus takes from those stricken with it the ability to breathe. To contract and expand their lungs with out help. As a society, we must continue to contract and expand. The contracting and expanding is humanity's way of collectively breathing through it.

When I was in labor (for three days!), my mantra while using my breath was "the only way out is through" -- we must breathe through this thing that takes our breath away.

And maybe all this focus on breath can help us recognize the importance of a clean air, a life-supporting atmosphere, and a stable climate. Maybe the reminder is that we all breathe together -- or none of us breathe at all.

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YES, this is so astute. The metaphor actually matches the virus, too. (Three days! SUPERWOMAN!)

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"My body was starving for a metaphor."

Well, my body was starving for this articulation of how a good metaphor feels. So thank you. :)

Also, I recently created an account and have been reading through what are essentially the "pandemic diaries" of you and a few other women on here. It has been such an amazing experience of retroactive processing for me. I am a nurse and I am realizing I did not have the mental space to examine how I was feeling during all of this - everything felt too urgent. I want you to know that this is helping me unclench my jaw, metaphorically. ;)

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