Your first questions
After last week’s newsletter went out, I had so many great conversations about it. My neighbor Cheryl and I were hanging out in the yard chatting about who knows what when I shared that my first science fair project in 4th grade was on the question: do you judge a book by its cover? She reminded me, with a good chuckle, about my newsletter and how on point this was.
Many of you wrote in with your own first questions and they were so dang beautiful. I couldn’t help but share them with this larger community of readers. Recognize yourself?
“This photo, paired with the fact that I used to keep myself up at night thinking about infinite solar systems, tells you all you need to know.”

-Courtney, Columbus
“Why do people hurt themselves and each other and is there any other way?”
-Cheryl, Oakland
“It was easy to identify my question as it has risen up in recent weeks, clarifying a lot about how I operate in the world, both good and bad. My question, based on the experience of being the middle child in a big family, my needs largely overshadowed by the very real needs of my closest sibling who was disabled, has always been: How can I be seen and heard in the world? I have been mostly unconscious about this profound driver for 65 years, and it's helpful to be aware of it.”
-Kathryn, Colorado Springs
“How could I do this differently?”
-Chris, Minneapolis
“Is it OK to be me?”
-Elisheva, Brooklyn
“Oh man, it is heavy and has something to do with why do people see things so differently, some see too much and others not enough? The realization that every person’s experience will shape their own awareness and perspective, and how that’s at once totally amazing and incredibly lonely.”
-Julie, Oakland
“Where is home?”
-Catherine, Sherborn