I’ve been thinking about the gestural disappointments of the progressive left a lot since working on my book; sounds like George Packer gets at some of that in interesting ways here.
Love this story about Lynn Nottage sharing the spotlight so generously and collaboration and re-opening with intention.
Volunteering is fine, but it has nothing to do with justice. In fact, it reinforces the “hierarchy of human value”—that somehow your White and/or privileged kid is practicing something sacred by “giving back” to people who should have more in the first place. BLASPHEMY! (I have a lot of feelings about this one. Can you tell?)
I’m so glad the Times is doing this kind of reporting—too little, too late, but it’s something.
Lesbianism 101!!! Sign me up.
And bonus: Janet Malcolm, a goddess among men. If you’ve never read her stuff, now is the time.
Happy Father’s Day to all the papas out there. If you haven’t yet, give 70 Over 70 a listen. Max Linksy is one of the most intuitive and freeform interviewers I’ve heard and I love the way he’s approaching this exploration. The first episode is a PERFECT Father’s Day listen.
This dispatch goes out each Sunday to my subscribers, but I thought I’d share the love to everyone this week. Not a subscriber yet? Now’s the time!
And thank you thank you thank you to those who already support my labor and our frequent donations, as a crew, by subscribing. It makes this whole thing feel so frickin’ abundant. xo
I’m curious to hear more of your thoughts on the subscription book. I don’t think the author or the creators of the box said anything about justice. To me it seems like they are trying to fill of hole of spirituality for the type of people who like (and can afford) subscription boxes in the first place. The box doesn't even sound like volunteering, it sounds like learning about some issue and then donating money. But it might be a learning experience for some people or kids.