Life is full and hard this week, so I’m sending along a sampler platter of listening instead of a full-blown newsletter:
First, don’t miss extraordinary actor and activist Sarah Jones introduce me to animal advocate Allison Cardona. Turns out, the animal world, and our relationship to it, has so much to teach us about being human.
And the minisode to go with it - a reflection on how we should all look to our animal besties for the best modeling on mindfulness.
And if you’ve still go time, check out my interview with chef Anthony Bourdain’s former right hand, Laurie Woolever, about her new memoir Care & Feeding.
And if you’ve got even more time, check out this Slate How To! episode we just put out that purports to be about leaving the LDS Church at 43 and trying to get laid, but is really a sex liberation lesson for all of us.
What are you listening to this week? Throw it in comments.
Thinking of all of you...
Thinking about you and your family a ton! Sending love, warmth and connection ✨