Whether you’re just carving out some time to journal solo or gathering with some good people to reflect in community (you can print these out, tear them up, and throw them in a bowl), here are some prompts to help you along…

What was the best adventure you had this year?
What was the best book you read, TV show you watched, or podcast you listened to?
What “current event” really broke your heart this year?
What are you missing most about the smaller life you led in the throws of the pandemic? How might you bring that smallness back in some nourishing way?
What did you shed, let go of, or give up this year? How did you get lighter?
What are you grieving? How could you carry that grief more collectively?
How did your body love moving this year? How could you integrate that more into the year ahead?
Who made you feel most heard this year? Who did you learn to have better boundaries with?
What was a thing you had a hard time admitting to yourself this year?
What completely ordinary thing are you most grateful for right now in your life?
If you’re inclined, put answers in comments. I’m sure you will find solidarity here among our reflective crew.
And if this newsletter has nourished you this year, consider giving a subscription to someone else?
*I’m taking next week off of the newsletter. See ya in the new year, dears! Thanks for every little thing in 2022 that made this space such a nourishing, beautiful community.*
Courtney's assignment is so challenging that I've spent all morning trying to formulate short brief responses. So if anyone is interested, here are my tentative answers. I'll continue to use this inspiring list as the holidays progress to discuss with others.
1. Best adventure, to join Mia and Sierra, granddaughters in Portland, in the Gay Pride Festival on June 18th. This gave support to Mia, who came out as lesbian, so our whole family participated.
2. Best book: Ramachandra Guha, "Rebels Against the Raj. Western Fighters for India's Freedom" (Knopf, 2022), because of the amazing courage of these heroic women and men, by defying U.S. and English norms to engage in the Indian independence movement; TV show, "Harry and Meghan"(see Roxanne Gay's excellent op ed., on why this show matters in NY Times, 12/21, p.A20). Podcast, "In Our Time", BBC series by Melvyn Bragg. The British dons are incredibly articulate and profound in a huge range of topics.
3. Excruciating reports of civilian casualties in the Ukraine. When will this war ever end?
4. I miss attending the Portland high school classes on "Ethics" for which I volunteered. I'm still wary of attending them (no longer available on zoom), but I hope that in 2023 that I'll be able to go again.
5. I lost 10 lbs., but miss the chocolates that I crave.
6. I still grieve the loss of my younger brother and only sibling from early onset Alzheimer's 4 years ago, and can't find a way to let go of it, that's especially wrenching during holidays.
7. Walking with Sharron in the nearby forest that Courtney and family once did with us. I'd like her, Maya, Stella and John to come again in 2023!
8. Sharron as usual, after 61+ years of marriage. The forthcoming holidays, with lots of relatives coming, present a challenge for me about better boundaries, when relating to other family members.
9. My physical limitations at 84. Arthritis pain increasing, and hard to admit that it restricts me.
10. It's impossible for me to single out any one thing, ordinary or not, because I sincerely believe that I should be grateful for so much to so many people, and also sheer luck, for having made it this far.
Now I'm eager to read reports and maybe advice from our readers. DD
My reflections are vastly amplified by just finishing The New Better Off.
Wow, what any amazing description of what should be the New American Dream!!!
Courtney, I’d love to send you an email about why I’m so motivated after discovering your work. If it’s ok, please forward your email to me at gordongossage@gmail.com
Courtney and any other interested reader:
please review our website. We are co-creating regenerative community in Reno to reflect what many of us desire to share in the world of The New Better Off. Thanks!!!!